Last year was a good reading year for me, not great, but good. One of my goals was to read 120 books, which I exceeded by reading 126. Apart for that though, I didn't do so well. I did not read as many fantasy books has I had challenged myself to do, and the same goes for sci-fi, non-fiction and classics. Over all, I'd say that 2014 was not a good year in terms of meeting my reading goals.
This year, I'm going to do things a bit differently. I would like to be a bit more free in my reading choices. Reading is something I do because I want to, because I enjoy it. Having to meet a goal of how many genrebooks I must read is taking the enjoyment out of it.
So, this year I have fewer challenges/goals, so that I can enjoy reading more. I want to read 100 books, instead of 120. I've lowered my the number of books (even though I managed to read more than 120 books last year) for two reasons:
1. I'd like to read longer books. With a lower number of books, I can focus more on reading those long epic fantasy books I love, without having to think about being behind in the challenge.
2. I'd like to feel free to reread more books. I love rereading my favourite books, but last year I didn't really do that, because I felt like should read more new books, so that I would meet my goal.
I'm not going to challenge myself to read a certain number of different genrebooks. Instead, my over all challenge is to just read what I feel like. It's as simple as that.
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Reading challenge and goals 2014
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What are your reading challenges and goals this year?
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